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Daikon (from Japanese ダイコン (daikon?), literally "large root"), Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus, is a mild-flavored, very large, white East Asian radish. Despite being known most commonly by its Japanese name, it did not originate in Japan, but rather in continental Asia.

Although there are many varieties of daikon, the most common in Japan, the Aokubi-daikon, has the shape of a giant carrot, approximately 20 to 35 cm (7.9 to 14 in) long and 5 to 10 cm (2.0 to 3.9 in) in diameter. One of the most unusually shaped varieties of daikon is the turnip-shaped Sakurajima-daikon often grows as large as 50 cm (20 in) in diameter and weighs as much as 45 kg (99 lb) cultivated in Kagoshima Prefecture.

Chinese radishes are grown commercially in Texas, primarily near Houston in south Texas. Major production is in California. They can be found on the market 12 months out of the year, especially in areas having an Oriental population.

The flavour is generally rather mild compared to smaller radishes.

In Chinese cuisine, turnip cake and chai tow kway are made with daikon. In Korean cuisine, kkakdugi and nabak kimchi use the vegetable. In Japanese cuisine, dishes made with daikon include takuan and bettarazuke.

The roots can be stored for some weeks without the leaves if lifted and kept in a cool dry place. If left in the ground the texture tends to become woody, but the storage life of untreated whole roots is not long. Chinese radishes will keep well in the refrigerator if they are placed in a sealed container or plastic bag in order to maintain high humidity.

Daikon is very low in food energy. A 3 ounce (85 g) serving contains only 18 Calories (75 kJ) but provides 34 percent of the RDA for vitamin C. Daikon also contains the active enzyme myrosinase that aid digestion, particularly of starchy foods. Select those that feel heavy and have lustrous skin and fresh leaves.


Laura's recipe:

Stir Fry Daikon with Bacon and Dried Shrimp Stir Fry Daikon with Bacon and Dried Shrimp

Stuffed Daikon with Pork (Deep Fry) Stuffed Daikon with Pork (Deep Fry)



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