

Pan Fried Stuffing BunPan Fried Stuffing Bun



Dough: all-purpose flour, yeast, sugar, salt.

Pan Fried Stuffing BunFilling: yellow squash, Chinese chive, dried shrimp, egg, seasoning.



1. Mix 2 teaspoons yeast with same amout sugar, then mix with some warm water, set aside for 10 minutes.

Pan Fried Stuffing Bun2. Add flour and about 1/4 teaspoon salt to yeast mixture, to make a soft smooth dough, set aside to double the size.

3. While waiting on dough rising up, we can work on fillings.

4. Grate yellow squash, then cut them short.

Pan Fried Stuffing Bun5. Chop chives to really small pieces.

6. Mix chieve and squash, add some cooking oil, mix well.

7. Add oil to skillet, set on high heat, immediately add beaten eggs, keep stirring until eggs are firm and shaped loose.

8. Mix all the filling ingredients together, add seasoning to taste, mix well.

Pan Fried Stuffing BunI added salt, little bit sugar and little bit black pepper.

9. When dough's ready, knead down, and devided into small pieces.

10. Roll each piece into a little round wrapper.

11. Spoon some filling on wrapper, Seal wrapper the way you like.

12. Heatup skillet, add a little bit cooking oil, put buns into skillet, fry until the bottom get golden Pan Fried Stuffing Bunbrown.

13. Pour half a cup water into skillet, bring to boil, then simmer until water dry out.

Cover skillet with lid after pouring water.

14. Take buns out of skillet, cool for several minutes. Serve when warm.