

Stir Fry Asparagus with Pork and GarlicStir Fry Asparagus with Pork and Garlic



pork, asparagus, garlic, egg white, seasoning to taste.



1. Cut pork into strips, mix a little cooking wine, let it sit for a while.

2. Add some egg white to pork, mix well. Then mix some starch with meat.

3. Mint garlic.

Make sure you got plenty garlic. I used a whole head of it.

4. Cut asparagus into inch-long.

5. Heat the skillet, add a little bit cooking oil.

6. Add pork to skillet, stir fry until pork change the color. Add cooking wine, vinegar and soybean oil, Keep stirring until mixed well.

7. Add garlic to skillet, cook for a minute.

8. Add asparagus to skillet, cook a little bit, add salt to taste, keep cooking until you think asparagus's done.